You can now book an appointment online and request services (such as a repeat supply of the mini pill or request someone to call you back). You can also order a full STI home screening kit. Please visit:

If you are aged 16+ and live in Sunderland, and have no symptoms but would like a test for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea, you can get a free home testing kit at:

Alternatively, you can call us on 0191 5699966 to make an appointment.


Please note we are currently experiencing a high number of calls and longer than normal hold times on our phone lines. Our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

We no longer offer drop in clinics. To access the service, please telephone (0191) 569 9966 and you will be added to our assessment list. You will receive a call that day from one of our Sexual Health Team, who will assess you and offer advice and an appointment, if necessary, at a time to suit you.

Our clinic opening times (appointment only) are the following:

  • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: 9am to 8pm (last appointment 7.15pm).
  • Thursday: 1pm to 8pm (last appointment 7.15pm).
  • Friday: 9am to 5pm (last appointment 4.15pm).
  • Saturday: 9am to 1pm (last appointment 12.15pm

Info about Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

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